To open and edit a footer, press Alt+N, O, E. To open and edit a header, press Alt+N, H, E. To exit the header or footer and return to the document body, press Alt+J, H, C. To move to the next editable text area, if any, press the Right arrow key. You'll hear the placeholder text read aloud, such as "Document title" or "Type here." Press the Right arrow key to move the focus on to the editable text area. You won't be able to edit the body of your document again until you close the Header & Footer ribbon. The focus moves to the first editable text in the layout that you selected. The layout you chose opens in the header and footer space in your document. Press Enter to select the one that you want. Use the Tab key or the Down arrow key to move through the list of layouts. The focus changes to the menu, which lists header or footer layouts. With Narrator, you hear "Built-in, blank," followed by the number of available footer types. With JAWS and NVDA, you hear: "Footer list box, built-in." With JAWS and NVDA, you hear: "Header list box, built-in." With Narrator, you hear "Built-in, blank," followed by the number of available header types. To create a header in your document, press Alt+N, H. You can also add an image, such as a company logo. You can add any text you want to a header or footer, such as page numbers, a date, or a page number. To learn more about screen readers, go to How screen readers work with Microsoft Office.

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